
We celebrate the innovation, diversity, creativity and excellence of UK film around the world.

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    Three commissions will receive up to £20,000 each in this British Council / BFI joint LGBTIQ+ project.

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    Watch for free this Summer: three new short films exploring and celebrating LGBTIQ+ stories.

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    In the light of Covid-19, we wanted to let you know what you can expect from the British Council film team in the coming months. 

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    Submit details about your film to our database to help others find your work.

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    The world’s widest-reaching digital celebration of LGBTIQ+ themed film took place in March - and amazingly timely online showcase for isolating viewers. The films are no longer live - but you can still meet the directors and find out about the programme.

  • Submit your feature film to festival selectors

    We can help you get your feature film in front of the world's premier film festival selectors.

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    We offer grants to help short filmmakers travel to international festivals where their work is being screened.

  • British Council film archive

    Take a trip down memory lane with this rights-free collection of over 100 short documentaries about wartime Britain, made by us during the 1940s.

View more opportunities


  • In focus: Natural beauty to see you through quarantine

    Are you isolating and missing the outside world? Fancy a day out without leaving lockdown? Films from our archive highlight beautiful scenery to tide you over.


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    Surge (2024), directed by Aneil Karia.


  • Festival submissions closing soon

    Don't miss your chance to submit a film to these upcoming festivals.


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    View our range of international opportunities for filmmakers, creatives, professionals and organisations.

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    Whether you are a new or established filmmaker, festival programmer, actor or film enthusiast, our range of resources can offer support.

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